Numa cultura e estilo de vida ainda pouco associados às mulheres (fora da Dinamarca e afins), é importante dar visibilidade à minoria. 🙂
[Via]Categoria: Web e outros Media
NÃO PERCAM o artigo “Endangered species” escrito por Sam Fleming, publicado na edição de Abril (n.º 46) da revista online CityCycling.
Alguns trechos:
There is something called the just world hypothesis, which is a theory behind the phenomenon of victim blaming. Individuals who have a strong belief in a just world can have this belief challenged when they encounter a victim of random misfortune. The individual wants to believe that the world is a safe, just place where people get what they deserve and deserve what they get. This means that people will try either to eliminate the suffering of the victim or, when that’s not possible, blame him for his fate — in other words, say that he deserved it. That is why women were once told not to wear revealing clothing, on the basis that it would provoke men to assault them. This was insulting not only because it denied the rights of the women, but because it treated men as lacking self-control.
When people call cyclists crazy for not using a lid or avoiding cycle paths they are saying: here are things you can do to avoid being injured by irresponsible behaviour of drivers, but if you don’t do them, it’s partly your own fault if one of them hits you and you sustain injury. It’s insulting to the cyclists and it’s insulting to drivers in assuming them incapable of taking due care.
Empathy plays a large part in reducing the tendency to blame the victim, as does perception of status: if we can easily imagine ourselves in the same situation, or admire/envy the life of the victim, then we are less likely to apportion responsibility to him.
And what does this tell us? It tells us that the more cyclists who use paths and wear helmets, the less sympathy those of us who don’t can expect to find from those we might assume would identify with us; and we can expect very little at all from people who don’t cycle. Research from the Transport Research Laboratory has already suggested that drivers see cyclists as being outside their peer group, as being “not them”. Drivers who do not also cycle are prime candidates for victim blaming mentality. Lewis Hamilton might gain their sympathy if he were knocked off by an unwary driver, or the Stig, but the average cycle commuter doesn’t have quite the same kudos for the man in the street.
Um vídeo delicioso. 🙂
Desde 1960 António Marques anda pelo centro de Lisboa a vender pão de bicicleta. Parece saído de um filme antigo, mas é bem real. Diz que quando pára, ganha logo “uma pilha de nervos”.
Também achei engraçada a sua preocupação com a “estética da viatura”. 🙂
Fotos aqui. Outro entregador de pão porta-a-porta, em bicicleta, blogado aqui.
Planeta Bicicultura
Já pus aqui ao lado um dos botões do Planeta Bicicultura, onde o blog da Cenas a Pedal está agregado (filtrado pela tag “bicicultura”, para facilmente podermos excluir posts mais directa ou exclusivamente relacionados com a vertente comercial).
O Planeta Bicicultura é um agregador de blogs. Bom, no fundo é um agregador de posts (filtrados pela tag “bicicultura”), de blogs de várias pessoas. Nem todos esses blogs são exclusiva ou maioritariamente focados na bicicleta, mas são de pessoas que a usam regularmente num contexto de transporte e que, de vez em quando, escrevem sobre as suas experiências e opiniões.
O propósito deste agregador é disponibilizar uma fonte de conteúdo especializado neste tema da cultura da bicicleta ou com bicicleta, escrito em português e por portugueses, e com uma frequência interessante de actualização. Assim ultrapassa-se o problema da pouca regularidade de postagem de muitos bloggers, e podemos dispensar os posts mais pessoais ou “off topic” relativamente a este tema específico.
Subscrevam o feed! 🙂
Encontrei um site fantástico:
Commute Orlando: Encouragement, Education & Advocacy for Bicycling in the Real World
This site is dedicated to Orlando Metro Area cyclists who are currently using their bikes for transportation, or want to. Commuting by bike is a great way to save money, get exercise, unwind and feel like you’re doing something good for yourself and the environment.
Comecem por aqui: The Confident Cyclist
O blog também é muito bom, debruça-se bastante com as questões da condução e das infraestruturas. Não percam estes posts:
What’s wrong with this picture?
Be like Portland? No Thanks!
Video: the case for leaving wide lanes alone
Noutro site, mas de um dos mesmos autores: