Ambiente e Energia Mobilidade

O acordar motorizado dos gigantes chinês e indiano

Para pensar…

«Be worried. If you have given even a moment’s thought to climate warming and its potential impact on our planet, be very worried. China, a nation of 1.3 billion people, has abandoned the bicycle as a principal mode of transportation and is now moving at a frightening pace to a car-based economy.»

«So be worried. It’s really the only option. And if 1.3 billion car users do not scare you, remember that Indians, who number a mere 1.2 billion, are close behind. Our Western ethos and lifestyle has triumphed, all right.»

Artigo completo aqui.

Por Ana Pereira

Instrutora de condução, formadora em segurança rodoviária, e consultora em mobilidade & transporte em bicicleta. Bicycle Mayor of Lisbon 2019-2020.

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